
About us

AfriBalk Connect was founded in the latter part of 2020 by Peter Chulu, a Malawian diaspora entrepreneur who saw an important need to provide a specialised network to support High Net worth individuals, private and institutional investors to engage with opportunities between Africa and the Balkans.

why join?

AfriBalk connect is offering to its members:

Opportunity to connect

Opportunity to connect and exchange within a very diverse global NGO membership – including international, regional and national members

Regional representatives

Regional representatives – able to link field‐level humanitarian practice to global policy‐making bodies in Balkans and Africa

Engage on humanitarian issues

A collective and amplified voice to engage directly on humanitarian issues

Information and analysis for the membership

Information and analysis for the membership – on partnership, practice and policy, and on key themes affecting operational developments.

Existing projects

Although our initiative is still in its early stages, we have already established some potential collaboration between Malawi and Serbia, here are a few projects we are working on


African Malawi


African Malawi

Concrete Poles supply from Serbia

Introduction of a Switzerland based charity organisation to Malawi